This is a help file for visually challenged users. It explains the note editing window. When a entry field is entered, Pam will tell you want type of data you may enter at that time. There are only two fields, Daily notes and closing message. You can move between fields with the Tab key. The daily notes are read by Pam at startup if you have selected this option in the configuration window. The daily notes are also read at selected appointment times if you have entered the word "Note" in the name field for an appointment. When Pam is scanning it's data once per minute, and the word "Note" is found in an appointment name field for that time, Pam will read the daily notes out loud. You could do this several times a day if you wanted to hear the daily notes more than once. And, of course, you can change the daily notes throughout the day. Only one note alarm can be set at one time. The closing messages and reminders are read by Pam when you close Pam or close Windows. Pam will hault the closing procedures, read the reminder to you, then allow Windows to continue closing. Use this feature to put in reminders for something you want to do after work, or later in the day. To enter notes or messages for another day, simply change the date in the main window before running this window. Messages of both types are only stored for use if you press Alt plus S.